Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Answer to a Question in a Blog

From the blog of:   topic about the Near death experience of Angelica Zambrano

Dapo said...

You know what I find disturbing about most people of supposed faith, it's their closed minded approach to it all. It's like if anyone should ever give a slightly different point of view that person must be evil, wrong or misguided! You know about 200years ago our people didn't know or believe in the Christian God yet they were enslaved and forced to believe in another man's word! Funny thing about that is that the same people who told us to be Christian have abandoned it. The only reason you are Christian is because your ancestors died and suffered for 100years and gave into western beliefs! You read the bible and not a single one of you have the guts to question! All I got from this account was fear and a cliché view of what God is. Another thing that seriously bothers me is how people on this discussion board ignore the fact that an 8year old is in hell for watching cartoons and being disobedient, how sick can you be to tell me that a child goes to eternal suffering for being what most kids his age are. Rebellion is a part of growing up for many children, even Moses in the bible was rebellious when growing up! She mentions so many times that God wept for those in hell yet did nothing. First off To be quite frank Hell seems like the most pointless concept in religious belief to me. Ask yourself honestly and critically, what the point of hell is? Is it so that the wicked can suffer for all eternity? How pointless is that. In the old days we sent people to prison to punish them for the sake of justice, but now as the world is growing and becoming more enlightened prisons have become correctional facilities. Many people rather than focus on punishing evil want to put and end to it, they want to correct it. As God the most powerful and merciful being I would think that this would be his goal for those amongst his children that have failed the test of life. I mean that's just my opinion. I'm Nigerian I and I find so many things wrong with our society and it all goes back to how we think and prioritise. Nigeria has both Christian and Islamic people even within the same family unit yet for the life of us, when we go to church we openly condemn any other religious belief. Pastors preach hellfire and brim stone to any other point of view. Our entire nation is homophobic, superstitious and closed minded. It is sad really! It's so funny how so many atrocities have been committed in the name of God, how fear of hell is the greatest motivator for faith yet all that Jesus preached was love and understanding.
@demo said - I understand how you feel about it. You said,Jesus taught us about peace and love,but why is it that peaople talk about hell,why are they having trouble and getting scared of it,while God is so merciful and loving?

my answer is:
Yes,God loves us so much.He is very clean,He's vey holy,no sin,even a dust.But the people in the time of Moses,or even before Moses' time is having a hard time to follow that time,when you touched a single dirty animal,you need to do things in order to be clean again.If you make love with other husband's wife,both of you will be killed by throwing stones unto you.
..God did his everything.He sent Moses to lead His people to Israel.To guide those people who believes in Him.But still,some other people,cant.For some,it's difficult.Even though they want to.
....Because God is so clean and Holy,people are not allowed to see Him,or else they will die.Moses and other so Holy people are those that are permittable to see Him.
..Because of God's so much love for us,He sent Jesus as the bridge of people to Him.By Jesus,even though people commit mistakes,they just need to repent and say sorry,and they're clean again,He delivered Jesus here,His Son so that.God can be with us in Heaven.Even those who killed,and have heavy sins,YES GOD loves them,that's why they can also proceed to heaven if only they will repent and accept Jesus.If a person,even a child, died without accepting Jesus and without repenting,he might go to hell.

In our entertainment industry,
There's a secret group called ILLUMINATI....
many famous artist are members of hurts me that Michael Jackson is one of them.Even though he helped millions of people.Even though he's a kind person,he went to hell (Angelica's testimony) because he sold his soul to ILLUMINATI to gain money and fans.It all began when he had the song billie jean,his moves and way of singing began to improve.
=I know MJ also believes in God,he admires Philippines so much because of their religiousness.But he didnt repent before he died.Illuminati killed him.That's what our teacher said,Illuminati are asking him to make records once again that praise Satan.MJ wants to stop,and so they killed him.
Search Beat it, backmasking in's satanic.
Other songs of MJ are about peace and love but he's still a member of illuminati praising satan.The ''peace symbol'' - we used to think it's peace but when you search in google the peace sign is satanic also,it's not a symbol of peace,but it's a symbol of Jesus in Cross upside down.In Hell,in Illuminati,they reverse their songs backwards to hide it's real meaning.Somtimes they're symbols are upside down.

I have a lot of more things to say...but it's so long..Please visit my will make me happy if you have them read and share it also..:)

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